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Besiege Mechanics

The following are principles on which the game works. Not to be confused with technology, mechanics are properties of the game rather than things people make. A good understanding of these fundamentals allows you to easily grasp how things are made and why they are made the way they are.

  1. WIP Tick Rates
  2. WIP Block Modules
  3. WIP General Block Physics
  4. WIP Colliders
  5. WIP Geometry
  6. WIP Joints
  7. WIP Other Block Components
  8. WIP Projectiles
  9. WIP Block Order
  10. WIP Build Direction
  11. WIP Connection Priority
  12. WIP Physics Priority
  13. WIP .bsg Files & Editing
  14. WIP Specialized General Block Physics
  15. WIP Specific Block Physics